sourceforge > jabs

Getting Started


To install the application, extract the zip file jabs-tomcat-[version]-[build].zip. This will create a directory called jabs-tomcat.

On unix systems, perform the following.

unzip jabs-tomcat-[version]-[build].zip
cd jabs-tomcat/bin
chmod +x *.sh

On windows systems, perform the following.

unzip jabs-tomcat-[version]-[build].zip
cd jabs-tomcat/bin

The default memory size configured in the setenv file is 256M. This should be suitable for a majority of installations. As you begin to use the system, you can use the memory status in the administration page to observe the current usage and adjust accordingly. To determine the current usage, click the Run GC button a few times to get a accurate reading. The setenv file is in jabs-tomcat/bin.


The default port is set to 8090. To change this, edit the file server.xml under the jabs-tomcat/conf directory.


At a minimum, the application needs write access to installation directory jabs-tomcat. The application has been designed to operate within the installation folder. So, for Unix environments, there are no issues running the software as a non-root user.


  1. Download and extract the war package jabs-war-<version>-<build>.zip to a temporary directory. This contains the file jabs.war.
  2. Stop the server.
    cd <install dir>/jabs-tomcat/bin
  3. Remove the exploded war directory <install dir>/jabs-tomcat/webapps/jabs
    cd <install dir>/jabs-tomcat/webapps
    rm -rf jabs/
  4. Replace the war file <install dir>/jabs-tomcat/webapps/jabs.war
  5. Start the server.
    cd <install dir>/jabs-tomcat/bin

File Layout

Listed are directories used by the application outside the normal tomcat directories.



The hsqldb database files will reside in a directory called hsqldb in the jabs-tomcat folder.


Some of the tasks allow you to attach (or save) a file or folder with the report. These files are copied to a directory tree under jabs-tomcat/webapps/ROOT/attach. The subtree of folders will be [project id]/[report id]/[report task id].


Several examples will be loaded into the application on first installation. These examples a loaded from /install/examples.



To send reports via email, configure the SMTP settings in the Administration page and add one or more email addresses to the project.


The export job can be scheduled from the administration page. Select the Schedule link under the Backup section. Go to Projects > Schedule to remove the scheduled job.


The purge process should be scheduled. Since the application uses hsqldb as a in-memory database, you can eventually exhaust the application memory if this job isn't scheduled. The test system generates around 600 reports a day and retains 2 weeks of reported data. The size of the hsqldb in this scenario is around 80M. The total memory footprint for the test server is around 160MB (for the previously described scenario). In another scenario, the application runs around 25 projects a day and retains 60 days of reported data. The size of the hsqldb in this scenario is around 35M.


The login authentication can be configured to use LDAP. The ldif sample below illustrates the basic configuration required to get LDAP authentication working. Using the configuration below, you would configure the application using the following settings.

        LDAP Provider URL: ldap://ldaphost:389
        Search Context:    ou=people,dc=company,dc=com
        Search Name:       uid 

LDIF Sample

dn: dc=company,dc=com
objectClass: dcObject
objectClass: organization
o: Company
dc: company

dn: cn=Manager,dc=company,dc=com
objectClass: organizationalRole
cn: Manager

dn: ou=people,dc=company,dc=com
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: people

dn: ou=admins,dc=company,dc=com
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: admins

dn: uid=orthg,ou=people,dc=company,dc=com
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
uid: juser
sn: user
cn: joe user
userPassword: password


Restoring from a backup

To restore a backup, the system needs to be booted with a new empty database. The easiest way to accomplish this with an existing system is to shutdown the app and rename the hsqldb directory to some other name (_hsqldb). Start the system back up and access the site with a browser. The initial setup page will appear, which has a field at the bottom of the page to enter the filename of a backup file. Select import to load this backup. Once this is complete, the login page will appear. Once you login, you can restore the list of scheduled projects by using the Reschedule all Scheduled Jobs on the Administration page. This does not include the backup or purge job, so you will need to select the Schedule button for those as well.