sourceforge > jabs


CVS Task

Use the CVS Task

CVS Task

NameYesThe task name
Connection/HostYesThe CVS connection type and host. Currently, only the pserver connection type is supported. If ssh access is required, then use an Exec Task and run the cvs command directly.
PortNoIf CVS is on a non standard port, enter it here. Otherwise, leave it blank.
Repository PathYesThe CVS repository path on the CVS host. This will look something like /home/cvs or /cvs.
ProjectYesThe project name in CVS to check out.
TagNoUse a specific tag or branch.
UserNoA valid user name to access the project.
PasswordNoA valid password for the user name.
DirectoryNoThe working directory for the project. This will default to the value of project.path.
EnabledYesEnable/Disable the task.
On ErrorYesWhat to do if an error is detected.